Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Sorry, but these past days have been very full, starting with visits (Pia came from Victoria in BC, Canada), I am working on getting Mark's books in some kind of order to gain open space in our little apartment, to finally Mark having  ACHIEVED DECCANULATION !!!!

Now we will focus on gaining oral control for eating, swalloing and talking (Thank you again Garret for getting the information to us so we can help Mark get there!).

It happend yesterday morning, he got the canula out from his neck and he did well all day long, we even had some time to go sit under the sun. Mark is using a "Geri Chair" (to know more go to: http://lifts.articleinsider.com/24318_geriatric_chair.html)

so we can take him safely around the facility. They look more or less like this:

  So this kind of chair has a back support that can tilt-back this helps the person "gain" sitting control of spine and neck. It also can elevate his legs to avoid blood pooling in the feet.

Any way, he looked good and I hope today will be a good day to.


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