Thursday, July 15, 2004

Tomorrow will be Friday!!!

Mark is doing well this week in general. As Lisa our medications nurse said "He seems to be doing more little things this week"

Today in fact for the first time when I walked into the room and got to the right side of his bed (he tends to be on his left side so I do this to stimulate the opposite) I said "I Mark" and he turned his head and eyes to see me!!! Yuppie!

We are working on controlling and time body functions to make his stay at the Villa Las Palmas more pleasant.

We are still working in controlling the tone on his hands and arms, his right side is doing great, but the left has a very strong tone that causes him pain (tone is a contraction of his muscles that is involuntary in nature). The OT lady (occupational therapy) is using splints on Mark's hands (he hates this, but it really is working for him)

Here is a pic of  a splint similar to the ones Mark is using:


And this is the same model that Mark wears to prevent foot-drop:

Mark's attention is growing...he listens more and the flash cards are back in our routine since he is looking at them and following them.

This Saturday I will be off during the morning from 10:00 am to around 2:00 PM to support group meetings. Last weekend made such a difference in my emotional state during this week that I want more of that!!!

I am getting Mark a tank top to go with his shorts, the shirts are to hot right now.

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